12 Rooms in 12 Months


Happy New Year, my friends!

Like so many of you, I start my New Year with intentions for how I wish to grow and develop in the months ahead. This year, Mr. Nested and I have settled on an ambitious goal for 2020. We (namely, me) have decided to end our cycle of nearly finished projects around the house, and have committed to refreshing twelve rooms in our home in the next twelve months. Yes. Twelve. So, pretty much the whole darn house.

In a year.

On a tight budget.

Because we enjoy chaos.

But, in all seriousness, we have a major problem with starting projects and never completing them. By focusing on only one space at a time, I'm hoping we can create new habits and COMPLETE something. Like done done. I'm fired up about the possibilities here. Of course, I'll be bringing you along every step of the way. Ideally, I'll be breaking the projects down into four weekly segments:

Part 1: The Plan

This is where we will reveal the room of the month, showcase some (probably embarrassing) before pictures, and discuss the initial plans for the refreshed space.

Part 2: The Products

This is where we'll talk budget, go shopping, and share sources for products used in each space.

Part 3: The Process

This is where we get to work. I'll be sharing the room makeovers in real time over on Instagram @nestedsanctuary. I'll also talk you through any of the DIY projects we undertake for each space.

Part 4: The Reveal (aka-the fun part)

(I'm moderately disappointed I couldn't come up with a "P" word for this week- alliteration is my jam.) This is where we'll show off our finished space at the end of each month! Before & Afters, highs & lows, and a recap of how it all went down will all be here. Ideally, the reveal will take place on the last day of the month, but we'll see how the posting schedule shakes out as we go.

 I'm looking forward to undertaking this huge commitment. Following through isn't always my forte, but writing about my successes (and missteps too!) is just the sort of motivation I need to stay accountable to my goals.

The first room on our #nested12rooms12months list is my home office. It is in desperate need of love and functionality, especially as I transition into scaling the business. I'll share more about what's working and what isn't in my Week 1 post later on.

I hope you'll follow along with us on this wild ride. If nothing else, it will be entertaining, or a cautionary tale...

Cheers to a happy, healthy, and productive 2020!


P.S.- If your brand or small shop would like to collaborate on one of our upcoming projects, send me an email at hello@nestedsanctuary.com We'd love to work with you!


12 Rooms in 12 Months Blog Shortcuts

January- The Home Office

Part 1: The Plan

Part 2: The Products

Part 3: The Process

Part 4: The Reveal

February- The Kitchen 

Part 1: The Plan (Coming Soon)




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